I'm excited to share with you our inaugural Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Report. In 2021, we established a cross-disciplinary ESG Task Force to lead our ESG efforts. The ESG Task Force not only gathers data about previous and ongoing ESG initiatives across our business, but also continues its work by charting ESG objectives for the Company moving forward. The creation of this Report and the initiatives included, reflect the universal commitment of the Global Industrial Board of Directors, executive team, and our associates, to our corporate mission of responsible stewardship.
We believe that the items contained in this Report underscore the importance we place on ESG principles, and communicate a message to all of our stakeholders, internal and external, that sustainability, diversity, and inclusion are among our highest priorities as we continue to advance our business objectives. We are proud of Global Industrial’s accomplishments in corporate stewardship to date, and are committed to advancing our ESG journey. We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.
At Global Industrial, with our mission of "We Can Supply That®", and over seven decades of expertise, our Company is well-regarded in the industry as having a roll-up-our-sleeves approach, offering customers more than a million products — spanning from material handling equipment to packaging and supplies — including our own Global Industrial Exclusive Brands™.
As our name suggests, we at Global Industrial think of our corporate responsibility in global terms. As citizens of a global community, we embrace responsible ESG stewardship as an essential part of our mission to build a successful business, and to affirm and align with the expectations of our stakeholders, which include our associates, customers, suppliers, and stockholders. As stakeholder expectations change and evolve, including those around ESG matters, we are committed to changing and evolving with them. We have a strong foundation upon which to do so, which includes investing in infrastructure and innovation, trusting and empowering our associates, supporting local communities in which our associates work and live, embracing a conservative approach to our own resource use, and providing products and services to our customers designed specifically to reduce resource consumption throughout their supply chains.
In 2021, Global Industrial established a cross-disciplinary ESG Task Force to lead our ESG efforts. The ESG Task Force includes members from the Legal, Merchandising, Operations, and Human Resources departments. The ESG Task Force not only gathered data about previous and ongoing ESG initiatives within our various business units, but also continues its work by charting ESG objectives for the Company moving forward. The progress of the ESG Task Force is tracked on an ongoing basis and is subject to oversight by management and our Board.
In February 2022, the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, with unanimous Board support, committed to endeavoring to include, and requiring any search firm that it engages to endeavor to include, diverse candidates in initial pools of director nominees if and to the extent Board vacancies should arise.
We believe that these recent initiatives at the highest level of Global Industrial underscore the importance we place on ESG initiatives, and communicate a message to our various stakeholders, internal and external, that sustainability, diversity, and inclusion are among our highest priorities as we continue to advance our business objectives.