Certified protective gear will be extensively relied upon before, during, and after the impact of an environmental disaster or super storm. It’s important to get a head start on what to do, how to do it, and when to start ― which should always be sooner rather than later.
1. Make Sure Everyone Understands the Plan
If any member of your team or household feels unsure about what to do ― or who to turn to ― when an emergency strikes, then it’s time to reexamine your emergency response strategy. Every step of your plan must be critically clear. Organize the order of each step, providing as much detail as possible, to ensure there will be little room for confusion or hesitation moving forward.
2. Check Your Stock ― Extras Come in Handy
Quick reflexes aren’t everything, and the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) you own will affect the strength of your plan. Having a well-stocked supply of emergency-related items will help determine how quickly a response can be carried out. This includes having duplicates of both certified protective gear, such as safety goggles, and other reusable safety garments on hand. Even something simple as an extra pair of gloves can make a difference. Determine what you need and what has been utilized frequently in the past so that a solid stockpile can be calculated for your emergency response plan.
3. Stay Informed
Communication between emergency responders and knowledge-based sources can offer strong direction and new developments on the current situation. Make sure you have all hotline contacts logged and that emergency wireless communication devices are well-powered with backup batteries. Having multiple and mobile ways of obtaining information will be helpful in the event of a power outage or service interference.
4. Always Double Check
Be ready when a storm strikes. Review these steps to further enhance your emergency preparedness plan:
- Share and review your plan at least once or twice a year depending on the emergency.
- Don’t let Plan A be the only answer. Develop a backup plan to have all angles covered.
- Hurricanes are seasonal and last from summer to fall, so aim to stock up on any needed supplies before this period.
- Stay up to date on information from Environment Canada, the Canadian Hurricane Centre, and local sources of knowledge for the latest on emergency practices and equipment.
A List of Local Agencies That Can Help
When a storm such as a hurricane makes direct impact, you will need to stay indoors. Other types of environmental emergencies can lead to evacuations. Don’t wait for these moments to start looking for professional safety advice. Have a list of official contacts ready to follow. Below are a few resources with more information on hurricane safety from national organizations and emergency management agencies:
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