As you are aware Global Industrial has been publicly awarded a contract by the Region 4 Education Service Center. We are excited to partner with you, as a participating public agency of the group purchasing program known as National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company dba OMNIA Partners, Public Sector, and begin providing you with a 10% discount off list price with some exclusions.
- By purchasing through us and this program you acknowledge you are a participating public agency of OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. If you are not, please click here to register.
- The relationship established between you and Global Industrial will begin on your registration date and will extend for a period not to exceed five (5) years.
- Global Industrial agrees to provide to you with your own dedicated account manager.
- "List price" is defined as that price indicated on the date of purchase. Products reduced for inventory reduction or promotional purposes, as well as special order or custom products, are not eligible for any discount. Freight and shipping charges are also ineligible for discount.
- Any quoted prices will be honored for fourteen (14) days from the quote date, unless otherwise indicated.