[Image Attribution: siramatt1988 via Getty Images]
HVLS fans are a critical ventilation component in high-volume facilities. Even with their large size and notable impact, however, these industrial ceiling fans often get overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about this air circulation strategy.
What does HVLS stand for?
HVLS means high-volume, low-speed. This type of industrial ceiling fan uses its large diameter and slow-moving blades to promote air circulation.
What do HVLS fans do?
These sizable industrial ceiling fans work in conjunction with an HVAC system to encourage significant airflow throughout a large, high-ceilinged space. HVLS fans push air toward the floor. That air circulates back up in a current-like motion, more effectively cooling a space in the summer and warming it in the winter.
What are the benefits of HVLS fans?
These fans work differently than typical ceiling fans or other smaller-scale shop fans because they rely on their size — typically anywhere from 7 to 24 feet in diameter — and slower speed to provide the following benefits:
- Effective heating and cooling. In the warmer months, HVLS fans increase circulation while decreasing humidity. Some estimates indicate that use of an HVLS fan can make a space feel several degrees cooler. In colder seasons, the fans push heated air that rises to the ceiling back down to the floor for better temperature control.
- Space saving. Though large in size, the ceiling-mounted HVLS fan maximizes space in a workshop or storage area, eliminating the need for floor fans.
- Energy efficient. These industrial ceiling fans run at speeds of only a few miles per hour and use much less power than other fans. They’re also an excellent supplement to existing HVAC systems because they reduce the need for the thermostat to kick on as often throughout the day.
- Quiet. HVLS fans are nearly silent, meaning they won’t add background noise.
- Worker comfort. Because they turn slowly, HVLS fans don’t kick up dust and allergens as they operate. The fans also effectively disperse chemical and food smells, and their large-scale rotation helps to keep bugs and birds away from the rafters.
Want to learn more about how HVLS industrial ceiling fans can help your facility stay temperate while moderating costs? Contact a Global Industrial product expert today.
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