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FLUKE-87-5 Accuracy and diagnostic functions for maximum industrial productivity. The new Fluke Series 5 models 83-5, 87-5 and 87-8/E have improved measurement functions, troubleshooting features, resolution and accuracy to solve more problems in electronics, plant automation, power distribution, and electro-mechanical equipment. Features Optional magnetic hanger for easy setup and viewing while freeing your hands for other tasks Large display digits and 2 level bright white backlight for increased visibility Withstands hazardous 8,000 volt spikes caused by load switching and faults on ...
This combo kit is built around the Fluke 87V, the most widely used industrial digital multimeter in the world, and includes special accessories to make you even more productive on the job. This kit will save over 15% compared with the individual price of all the accessories. Plus you'll be working with the most trusted tools in the world. Includes: 87V Industrial Multimeter TL224 SureGrip™ Insulated Test Leads AC220 SureGrip™ Alligator Clips TL238 SureGrip™ Test Probes ToolPak™ Magnetic Meter Hanging Kit 80BK-A DMM Temperature Probe C35 Soft Carrying Case 9V battery (installed)
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