Not all workbenches are created equal, and not every workbench will work perfectly for your job or business. Global Industrial stocks an array of pre-configured models designed for specific jobs and industries, like packing or general assembly, or you can build your own by choosing the base, top, and accessories that are as unique as you are. There’s no “right” workbench, rather the right workbench is the one that works right for you.
Shop All Workbenches Download GuideTerms and Conditions of Use. Model assumes $25/hr. labor rate, 252 workdays/year.
The Global Industrial ROI Calculators ("Calculators") are interactive educational tools that use the information you supply to estimate a potential return on investment ("ROI") based on productivity gains (i.e., reductions in labor) when using select products sold and distributed by Global Industrial.
The results generated in the Calculators are estimates and should be used solely to help determine whether to further investigate products purchasing offered by Global Industrial. The actual economic results realized as a result of using any product will vary, and there is no guarantee that you will actually realize the economic results forecast by the Calculators. Any estimates generated by the Calculators are not and should not be interpreted as either a promise of or an offer or contract for a given level of ROI or productivity gains. The Calculators are based on limited parameters; other factors which might influence results have not been considered. Global Industrial does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the results generated by the Calculators or that you will actually realize any cost savings as forecast by the Calculators. The prices of the products are subject to change. Under no circumstances will Global Industrial be liable for any loss or damage caused by your use of the Calculators.
Sometimes you need more than just a laptop. Computer peripherals like printers, scanners, and diagnostic equipment all require external power sources, and powered carts provide it. Say good-bye to dangerous extension cords or bringing pallets of products to cluttered desk areas.
Pneumatics allow you to optimize the efficiency of your shop or manufacturing facility in several key areas. Air tools don't need power outlets or charging stations for batteries and they are universal-fit systems, so any tool and accessory with the same size fittings will work without being locked into a specific brand’s proprietary battery or fitting configuration. Installing an air distribution system doesn't require an electrician and can be quickly and easily expanded as your business grows.